Weight Loss

How to Combat Sedentarism For Weight Loss Now

  • Combat Sedentarism For Weight Loss Now

Sedentarism, the amount of time you spend sitting or lying down, is a new criterion for measuring health and is used as an indicator for healthy weight as well as other physical conditions. Use the suggestions below to incorporate activities that will counteract sedentary lifestyle habits to support your weight loss goals.

Accurately determine how much of the time you’re spending sitting, whether it’s in front of the computer or the television.

Tip: One way to think about weight loss is in a mathematical sense. A single pound consisting of fat is about 3500 calories.

Don’t analyze or justify the time you spend sitting in terms of activities by defining your sedentary time in front of the television as relaxing or the time you spend answering emails as socializing, since both are sedentary activities.

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Instead of describing various activities you engage in while sitting, set a goal for reducing the total amount of time you spend each day sitting down.

In addition to including exercise as part of your healthy lifestyle, include other at-home activities that will reduce your sedentarism.

Tip: Practice portion control for good health. It has been proven that when you eat smaller meals, you help your body reach and stay at a healthy weight.

You can take up a hobby that keeps you on your feet such as painting, or increase the number of times you perform a specific chore during the week, such as dusting or vacuuming to reduce the time you spend sitting at home.

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Tip: Angel food cake is a great choice for satisfying your dessert cravings. Sometimes, cravings are difficult to simply ignore.

You can reduce sedentaryism by eating at home more frequently. Do this rather than choosing to drive to a restaurant, sit and order, sit and wait for your food, and then sit and eat your food.

Consider the benefits of dining in where you’ll purchase the food you want to prepare, prepare the food, and then clean up from your meal, as a way of reducing your sitting time associated with mealtimes.

Tip: Remember, your fork is not a shovel. It is better to take smaller bites, and then stop eating once you feel satisfied.

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You can reduce sedentaryism by reducing your television watching time by half an hour each evening. You will likely reduce evening snacking in support of your weight-loss goals when you reduce television watching so that you’ll support your healthy lifestyle in two ways.

You can easily reduce your television watching time each evening by delaying the time you eat dinner each evening by half an hour, thereby reducing the amount of time you’ll spend watching television.

Some people combat sedentaryism by furnishing their television rooms with sedentary bicycles or other exercise equipment that they use while watching television. If you’re too tired to engage in physical activity on top of your normal exercise regimen, you are unlikely to reduce sedentaryism by exercising while you watch television.

Tip: If you must eat closer to the time you go to bed, make sure you factor in a three-hour window for your body to wind down, and keep your final food low on carbohydrates. Doing this will also help keep your body nourished overnight.

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Carefully limit the amount of time you take to look through email and conduct other online activities by setting and sticking to a certain number of hours that you’ll allot each day for such activities.

If you have trouble sticking to the amount of time you set for online activities, consider further separating unnecessary online activities in which you engage from necessary online activities.

To reduce the time you spend being sedentary, pay attention to time wasters when you use your computer such as watching funny videos or browsing retail sites.

Combating sedentaryism will help you achieve healthy weight loss goals by increasing the calories you use by working towards an active lifestyle. Use the suggestions above for increasing your physical activity to support healthy weight loss goals.

Source: InfoguideGhana | How to Combat Sedentarism For Weight Loss

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