CryptoFinanceFor Ghanaians

Bitcoin to Cedis Rate Today

Bitcoin to Cedis Rate Today: Bitcoin prices in other currencies are based on their corresponding US Dollar exchange rates. Below, you’ll also find popular converter value denominations in Ghana Cedis. 1 Bitcoins = GH¢ 397569.76 according to crypto exchange firm, CoinBase. This means that you can know the Cedis equivalent of your $ Bitcoin by doing a simple multiplication. For instance, 50 cedis in Bitcoin today is 0.00013, GH¢ 100 is 0.00025 whereas GH¢500.00 is 0.0013 BTC.

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, without a central bank or single administrator, that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries.

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Dollar BTC to Cedis

The dollar BTC rate is usually a little different from exchange to exchange. Some crypto exchanges sell at a higher price whiles buying at a lower price. So for instance, if the dollar to cedis exchange rate today is $1:GH¢6.00, cryptocurrency dollar BTC to cedis rate today would be $1 to GH¢ 6.1 or 6.2 or even 6.3.

So if for instance, the dollar BTC rate is a crypto exchange platform is GH¢ 6.20 per dollar then you multiply the number of dollars you are buying to the local rate, that is 6.20. If you are buying 100 dollars, for instance, you will multiply 100 by 6.20 which means it will cost you GH¢620.00

Bitcoin to Cedis Rate Today is 1 BTC = GH¢ 397569.76

Bitcoin to Dollars

This is the conversion rate of 1 bitcoin to 1 dollar. We can also say it is the price of Bitcoin in Dollars. The Bitcoin to Dollars Exchange Rate Today is 1 BTC = $64530.30. This means that if you have less than $64530.30 you won’t be able to purchase 1 bitcoin but a lesser amount than that instead.

For instance, if you have $500.00 worth of bitcoin, that will be equivalent to 0.0077 BTC.

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Bitcoin to Ghana Cedis

Bitcoin (BTC)Cedis (GHS)

How Much is BTC in Ghana?

The current market price of Bitcoin is updated every 3 minutes and is automatically sourced in USD. Bitcoin prices in other currencies are based on their corresponding USD exchange rates according to Paxful.

How Much is 1 BTC in Ghana Cedis?

According to, the cost of 1 Bitcoin in Ghana Cedis today is ¢397,221.04 according to the “Open Exchange Rates”, compared to yesterday, the exchange rate increased by 3.21% (by +¢12,741.87).

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Kwame Bediako

Kwame Bediako is an B.Ed Tech Graduate who looks forward to solving daily basic tech problem and helping people to find information about getting their first job or starting their own business. Contact Me: 0208947724
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